FIL MISHMISH – في المشمش
Fil Mishmish في المشمش is an Arabic term meaning « in the time of the apricots » or « when the apricots bloom », which is taken non-literally to mean the equivalent of the English phrases « wishful thinking » or « when pigs fly. »
On the 8th, 9th and 10th of July 2020, Radio alHara is organizing a three-dayworldwide protest triggered by the proposed annexation of part of the West Bank.
The three-day lineup will be mirrored on radio platforms across the world, from London to Tunis to Milan.
While this 72-hour event arises from events in Palestine, it addresses the anger of populations worldwide and aims to unite struggles against injustice and occupation, while acknowledging the specificity of each case.
Radio alHara will lend its speakers on the ground to audio-only sets and takeovers from artists and radio stations who want to express solidarity.
We hope our collective opposition resonates around the world !